Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Well what do ya know about that?

So today, as per usual, I went and scooped up our household mail. On top of the pile was mail from my bank, which I found unusual, seeing as I had received my bank statement a week ago. I opened it, and low and behold, my PAYCHECK from two weeks ago had BOUNCED. How does this even happen? So I called my employer and notified them. I got a call back saying that their account has money in it, so it couldn't possibly have bounced, and could it be a banking error? It was about this time that I started to get the feeling that they didn't believe me, and thought me an idiot. My department head told me she'd notify the business head, and I would get a call back. I used this time to call my bank, and was assured that no, it was not a banking error. When asking my employer when I'd get my replacement check, I got the distinct feeling that I was never going to get one. So now, here I am, overdrawn, furious, and without a replacement check. I wonder if they're aware that it's illegal to bounce a check? Anyway, I'll update on the outcome of this, if and when there is one.

1 comment:

Bluebird of Friendliness said...

I demand a post about your adventure in Warren!